
ordinary… mostly

"We have nothing to offer each other, except a haven." — K. Nafziger


Jacob’s Creek

May 15, 2014
Jacob’s Creek in the spring rain
February 19, 2014
The Great Thaw of February 2014

The level of Jacob’s Creek rose dramatically today. The water is a slushy, muddy mess. We expect more of the same for the next few days.

February 8, 2014
Cold. Just cold. Still cold.

Winter, everywhere you look

In southwestern Pennsylvania, it’s cold. And snowy. And both at the same time. And not necessarily in that order.

Yesterday, the snow fell hard. Here’s one measurement, although more is falling…

7.25" snow
We’ve received 7.25″ of snow… a bit over 18 cm, in case my mother was wondering.
January 25, 2014
The only lights at camp

Last night at supper, we had over 200 people around the camp when the power went out. In the Dining Hall, the generator kicked on to keep the freezer and refrigerators cold (how ironic!), so there was a little light in that building. Elsewhere, everything went dark.

This could have gotten uncomfortable, since most of the camp heat is electric. However, everyone stayed calm, pulled out glow sticks, huddled around fireplaces, told stories, and generally had a good time. The power company reported that about 650 customers lost power, but that they’d have things restored shortly. We were all glad when the lights came back on after about 90 minutes. Finally by 9 p.m., the Ordinary Camp Host went home cold and sore and hungry, but feeling like he had put in a good day’s work.

Today, more snow is falling as I type. And after that, it’s supposed to get cold (Polar Vortex!).

Weather forecast - January 26, 2014

Jacob’s Creek, which run along the edge of camp, is already iced up quite a bit. It will be interesting to see how it looks by Thursday morning.


January 14, 2014
Diggin’ Dirt

In the span of 10 months, three “40-year” floods (1 2 3) eroded the wall at Laurelville’s overlook of Jacob’s Creek, culminating in its collapse last August. Today, reconstruction work began in earnest.

January 8, 2014
Frozen creek

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